
Monday 27 May 2024

Struggle session

Sir Keir Starmer 'angry' at public's stories of hardship - as he says he knows what it's like to 'struggle'

The Labour leader says it is "disrespectful" of Rishi Sunak to say the economy has "turned a corner" when people are struggling with the cost of living.

Sir Keir Starmer has said he feels "angry" and "emotional" at the some of the stories he is hearing on the campaign trail - because he too knows what it is like to "struggle".

Gosh - I too know what it is like to "struggle", especially when I try to work out which major party has finally "turned a corner" and become less "disrespectful" to voters by presenting them with rational policies. 

I too feel "angry"* when contemplating the rabble "Sir" Keir wishes us to "vote" for.  

* A slight exaggeration.  


Scrobs. said...

Typical boring pre-election wibble!

Instantly forgotten!

(Who said all that...)?

A K Haart said...

Scrobs - I said it...

...or was it me?

Sam Vega said...

Sir Keir's media team:

"OK, guys, we all know the obvious weakness is that Keir is a wooden dullard who comes across as if his emotional life is as blocked as his sinuses. So how to proceed? We can't have him posed with kittens, trying to relate to kids, or saying how he cries over weepie movies - just not believable. What say we start off by saying that he's "angry"? Anger's an emotion, right? Right! I mean, most of his photos look as if he is straining to pass a pine-cone through his rectum, and I reckon we could convince the public that it's some sort of repressed righteous anger rather than stress and anxiety. I reckon we should try it, anyway, 'cos it's all we got to work with at the moment. I'm not saying we don't try other emotions later, but let's start with anger and see whether the public buy it..."

dearieme said...

Silly little man! Can he do as much harm as Blair?

Very possibly: Blair had inherited quite a successful economy while Starmer will inherit one made by Blair/Brown and then Cameron/Boris, so it's much more vulnerable. And then there's the non-economic damage he might do: wokeism, foreign policy, ... Has he decided what a woman is yet?

Alas the Conservatives have been poor stuff without any decent excuses.

A K Haart said...

Sam - he seems to be struggling with anger, but maybe his minders aim to present him as a guy with oodles of empathy, although that doesn't quite work either. Maybe that's why the word "struggle" crept in, his minders are struggling to place him on the emotional spectrum.

dearieme - I agree, it's possible he can do as much harm as Blair because of the weakness he has inherited. His ability to bend with every passing breeze could just turn out to be positive but fashions would have to change, so it isn't much to cling on to.