
Monday 20 May 2024


There is a problem formatting certain blog posts. It seems to be platform wide and has been reported.  There may be some blogging limitations until then.


Sam Vega said...

Never happened before Brexit...

dearieme said...

If you were employed by an arm of government you'd blame underfunding and austerity.

A K Haart said...

Sam - never happened before Trump either.

dearieme - or cuts to frontline services.

Scrobs. said...

Blogger won't let me save changes to my reading list for some reason!

I want to add several names, and it greys out and goes into a sulk!

A K Haart said...

Scrobs - I haven't come across that one yet, perhaps because it's not something I do very often, but there are certainly editing problems which are recent and yet to be resolved.