
Monday 13 May 2024

Lib Dems embolden themselves

Lib Dems ‘broke equality laws’ over deselection of Christian candidate

The Liberal Democrats have been accused of deselecting a candidate based on his Christian faith in a breach of equality law.

Members have reported the party to the equalities watchdog over accusations that the party has tolerated a “hostile environment” for people of faith, failed to investigate serious allegations of discrimination and harassment and “emboldened those who believe Christians should be driven out of public life”.

You must have either intelligence or spiritual faith to stand up against life.

Hugh Walpole – The Fortress (1932)

It seems unwise of the Lib Dems to reject both intelligence and spiritual faith. We already know they aren't too keen on intelligence, not if "Sir" Ed Davey is any guide to the selection process.


DiscoveredJoys said...

If you browse a second hand store, or a charity bookshop, you often find a 'bargain bin' of items that have little value. In my opinion the Lib Dems are the bargain bin of politics. They take up space but are not worth the effort of scrapping.

The fact that some people vote for them is commentary on the state of politics generally.

Sam Vega said...

I'm all for a bit of anti-Christian sentiment in the Lib Dems. Ed Davey is himself a Christian, so perhaps they can deselect the potato-faced bluffer.

Scrobs. said...

The real reason, is that the candidate refused to wear socks and sandals with 'its' Gaberdine suit!

Such attire is mandatory for these rather odd people in the HOC, whether it's hot or not!

A K Haart said...

DJ - yes, the Lib Dem are rather like the 'bargain bin' of a second hand store. They must appeal to a genteel rummaging instinct where it is impossible to believe there isn't some value to be found in there.

Sam - I like 'potato-faced bluffer', it suits him very well, much better than 'Christian'.

Scrobs - I bet he wears a shirt and tie too.

dearieme said...

We were once eating our Xmas lunch when a figure mooched past our window to our letter box. Yes, it was a Limp Dumb delivering a leaflet.

Maybe they reckoned households would be short of reading matter on Xmas Day and Boxing Day.

A K Haart said...

dearieme - and only a Lib Dem would expect people to treat it as reading matter on any day.