
Sunday 26 May 2024

Oceania has always been at war with Eastasia



Sam Vega said...

When did the science settle? We now know that there was a "Great Settling" period, somewhere between the 1960s and the 1980s. But we are still not sure of the exact date. Perhaps tree rings and ice core samples can help us. Or maybe Al Gore could tell us.

DiscoveredJoys said...

Plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose.

- from a monthly journal in 1849 (also an anagram of 1984)

Scrobs. said...

I wonder how much money Al Gore has made from switching his ideas back and forth?

James Higham said...

Iceman cometh … that’s my age I await … and wait … and wait.

A K Haart said...

Sam - it's amazing how money and political capital people such Al Gore have made out of the "Great Settling". His enthusiasm needs no explanation, but the exact date may be buried in his diaries. One day they may be excavated and we'll know.

DJ - academic careers could be built on analysing the long history of the human propensity to scam and be scammed, but of course certain other academics wouldn't like that at all.

Scrobs - hundreds of millions according to some of the stories I've read. He's a rich man.

A K Haart said...

James - it probably will come eventually, but predicting when is a mug's game.

Anonymous said...

I understand, from an earlier blog, that Gore has recently bought (another) sea front mansion. Bearing in mind his predictions, I hope he has his scuba equipment handy, and taking 'holding your breath for long periods' training.

A K Haart said...

Penseivat - I've lost count of his mansions and cars, but he has done very well out of it. I think he just sees climate change it as a business opportunity to be exploited as hard as possible. I doubt if he believes a word of it.