
Tuesday 28 May 2024


His desolate household, his whole wounded life, choked him at the throat like a death agony. Things were not all for the best because one had bread. Who was the fool who placed earthly happiness in the partition of wealth? These revolutionary dreamers might demolish society and rebuilt another society; they would not add one joy to humanity, they would not take away one pain, by cutting bread-and-butter for everybody. They would even enlarge the unhappiness of the earth; they would one day make the very dogs howl with despair when they had taken them out of the tranquil satisfaction of instinct, to raise them to the unappeasable suffering of passion.

Emile Zola – Germinal (1885)

We see this all the time, corrupt political rhetoric attracting useful idiots and their idiot demands which cannot be appeased.  A few optimistic persons try to circumvent the unappeasable roadblocks left across the arena of public debate, so good for them, it's a public service.

But all we have to tackle it politically is a useless vote. 

And “Sir” Keir Starmer.

And Angela Rayner.

And the BBC.



DiscoveredJoys said...

"But all we have to tackle it politically is a useless vote."

And yet we were almost there... had UKIP not self combusted after the Referendum it might have soldiered on as the Party that 'Took Back Control', not the wishy washy Conservatives who 'Looked At Taking Back Control But Dozed Off Again'.

My worry is that it took decades for UKIP to upset the apple cart, although I hope that things are bad enough to speed up the process of new disruptive politics. Sadly, although I shall probably vote Reform, I don't think Reform are the heavy hitters we need right now.

On the bright side voting Reform not only punishes the Conservatives it also punishes Labour by denying them the votes of the disaffected they would normally expect to inherit. So there is that.

James Higham said...

For once, nothing to add by Mr. Garrulous here. Think I'll just listen to some Jelly Roll.

A K Haart said...

DJ - I'd vote reform if we weren't on holiday but I'm not enthusiastic enough to apply for a postal vote. The political see-saw seems to be too entrenched to shift unless there is something going on behind the polls.

James - Scott Joplin helps too.