
Friday 3 November 2023


Keir Starmer: Labour will bulldoze barriers to British success

Labour would "bulldoze through barriers to British success", party leader Sir Keir Starmer has said in a speech to businesses in north-east England.

The Labour leader vowed to change planning rules and further education in a bid to boost economic growth.

He said next week's King's Speech - in which the government will set out its plans for the coming months - should be used to kick off a "big build".

In his enthusiasm for bulldozers, "Sir" Keir seems to be aiming at planning restrictions rather than bulldozing the BBC, NHS, Net Zero, numerous university departments, state education and one of the biggest obstacles of all, the Labour Party.

No. "Sir" Keir has set his sights on bulldozing defective paperwork, something he seems to understand.


Sam Vega said...

"Yes, Sir Keir, 'bulldoze barriers to British success'. I know it doesn't actually mean anything, but the marketing team think a bit of alliteration will stick in the public's mind, and help with the wooden delivery. It's either that or 'Mollycoddle Muslims to make majorities'. And Ed Davy has some plastic bricks that they used to build a wall, and we can get you a toy bulldozer..."

Scrobs. said...

Of course, he won't be able to do any of those things, especially as the fence between No 10 and No 11 requires sitting on for the next fifteen years!

A K Haart said...

Sam - I often wonder about the nous of political marketing teams. I'd avoid a word which splits into bull and doze.

Scrobs - he'll also run into problems with green electric bulldozers and power cuts. I'm surprised he wants the job.