
Tuesday 28 November 2023

Fire Truck

Unique specialist fire truck still not used in Cornwall after 18 months

The piece of kit is an all-terrain vehicle with a crane used to lift on and off ‘pods’ which are boxes full of specialist equipment that complement what stations around the county normally have. There is a line rescue pod, a wildfire pod, a disaster response pod and an icy roads pod.

A firefighter of three decades' experience in the county has contacted CornwallLive to warn tax-payers who have footed the bill for the Unimog that the specialist piece of kit, described by Cornwall Council as "unique" has not answered a single operational call yet.

This story reminds me of another related by my father. During the 1950s he worked in the main Derby fire station, although he wasn't a fireman. While he was there, the chief fire officer came up with an idea to tackle domestic chimney fires which comprised a large proportion of fires in their area. He bought a simple commercial van painted red and equipped it with basic kit needed to tackle domestic chimney fires.

I can’t recall what the kit was, maybe ladders, buckets and a stirrup pump as used in the war. Whatever it was, the idea worked well and once it had proved its usefulness, the chief fire officer presented the idea to a gathering of fire officers in other areas. 

The end of the story is easily guessed. Fire officers from other areas weren’t interested.


The Jannie said...

If you need a specialist vehicle to not go to fires a Unimog is superb. The trouble is they could have bought a pushbike.

Sam Vega said...

"There is a line rescue pod, a wildfire pod, a disaster response pod and an icy roads pod."

The sanitation department are sending a pee pod to isolated villages without public conveniences.

A K Haart said...

Jannie - I think someone just wanted a Unimog, made a case for it and nobody realised they didn't need it.

Sam - ha ha, although I wouldn't put put past them.

DiscoveredJoys said...

Just load the correct pod into Thunderbird 2. Thunderbirds are go!

A K Haart said...

DJ - there is a Thunderbirds touch, maybe the machine was proposed by a fan.

Bucko said...

Maybe having a bit of kit that isn't used in 18 months isn't all that bad. I haven't used my nail gun for over a year. I just hope they start it up and change the fluids occasionally. Not using it and letting it become a scrapper, would certainly be an issue

James Higham said...

Task … how to stop the top brass in any organisation from making decisions … and leave it to the line managers.

A K Haart said...

Bucko - maybe it has a good run out every now and then which could be fun. Maybe that's really why they bought it.

James - the top brass will want to be wined and dined though.