Reeves vows war on waste to save public finances as Labour critics circle
Rachel Reeves will launch a war on waste to stabilise public finances amid growing disquiet from her MPs over her handling of the economy.
In an attempt to get back on the front foot after a week of turmoil in financial markets, the Chancellor will lead a major new drive to tackle “waste and inefficiency” across the public sector which will leave “no stone unturned”.
It's the same old problem, Rachel from Accounts won't know where the waste is and won't acknowledge the major waste problems such as Net Zero, Net Zero and Net Zero. There are many others.
She has a major political problem with her war on waste too - it looks like desperation because it is.
By gum she's dreadful.
How many times have we heard this?
All that’s needed now is “a bonfire of the quangos” and we will have a full bingo card.
A wise commenter at Worstall's blog suggests that every civil servant whose national insurance number includes an odd digit gets the bullet.
I believe that salaries and pensions are a major proportion of civil and public service spend... so cutting waste implies cutting civil and public jobs - which are the current Labour clients, so that would never do.
However if the Chancellor *really* meant to cut waste she could bring in a zero recruitment regime to reduce costs, at least for now. Is that the sound of silence I hear?
This is a bit like looking for small change down the back of the sofa while the teenagers have still got the credit card.
Peter - yes, that bonfire of the quangos was more like a quagmire of the quangos. The war on waste will be similar.
dearieme - good idea, it could be carried out randomly and added to the National Lottery, allowing people bet on which numbers pop up in next week's cull.
DJ - yes, zero recruitment should work too, although ways would be find to prevent it from working as planned.
Sam - and I bet that turns out to be a pretty exact analogy.
For good measure, they could cut funding to all the useless public bodies, Museums, political and racial campaigning groups, the Arts Council, the Craft Council, English Heritage, the list goes on and on.
Tammly - and some big charities which seem to have a hand in the public purse.
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