
Friday, 10 January 2025

Or the trajectory of our country

'The future is in our hands' scientists say, as 2024 becomes first year to pass 1.5C global warming threshold

Climate experts were anxious to point out hitting 1.5C is only temporary for now, and that swift action from leaders "can still alter the trajectory of our future climate".

Britain's gas storage levels 'concerningly low' after cold snap, says owner of British Gas

Plunging temperatures and high demand for gas-fired power stations are the main factors behind the low levels, Centrica said.


James Higham said...

And all so unnecessary for any rational reason.

Sam Vega said...

And there we have it. If we accept global warming as being true, we will still have to cut back on gas and freeze to death because it's all our fault.

Somewhere far away you won't have heard of might be suffering crop failure, but your priority is to check on your elderly neighbours to see if they are OK. If you find they are not OK, you won't be able to do anything about it, any more than you can with the crop failure.

DiscoveredJoys said...

A question for all the climate activists to answer: If all humans were magically removed from the Earth what would happen to the climate?

It would be every difficult to answer in detail because all sorts of unpredictable things would happen. Rivers would silt up. Forest fires would rage. Golf courses would brown and die. Fields previously used for crops would revert to the wild. Buildings and roads would decay. There might be less CO2 produced in some places - unless re-wilding of the Earth created more CO2 in others. Goodness knows what would happen to the oceans as the rivers running into the oceans contained less nitrogen. Domesticated animals would probably die off in large numbers.

Unless the activists could answer those questions properly (no arm waving allowed) they probably cannot answer what would happen if the human population continued.

A K Haart said...

James - it is, so irrational it's embarrassing.

Sam - yes, we may as well try to adjust the climate of Mars. Snake-oil salesmen were paragons of integrity compared to this lot.

A K Haart said...

DJ - there is a YT video somewhere which imagines how the Earth would gradually change if all humans were to disappear. It highlights a fundamental problem with the catastrophic climate narrative in that it can't be experimental, it has to be observational and scientifically weaker than experimental science. More suited to political ideology though.

Tammly said...

I once asked Paul Homewood the reasons for the pronouncements of some American university 'climate researchers' on some climate matter or other. His reply was that they were liars and demonstrably so. That sums them up rather neatly I think.

A K Haart said...

Tammly - it does sum them up. We can puzzle out why they are liars, but may as well begin with what we observe - they are liars.

Anonymous said...

No need to worry about the concerningly low has supplies. Super Ed is no doubt on the case, just as soon as he finishes his bacon sandwich. Meanwhile, have pulled out my camping cooker, with heater attachment, and (full) gas cylinder, ready to be used if necessary.I

A K Haart said...

Penseivat - Super Ed may soon see sales of camping cookers and heaters take off if they haven't already. We have a couple of camping gas rings, a gas hob, gas fire and the wood-burner, so we think we are reasonably well covered.