
Wednesday, 22 January 2025

One truth would do, Ed

Ed Miliband insists Net Zero transition is 'unstoppable'

Mr Miliband admitted last year's COP29 climate summit in Azerbaijan - which he described as '198-dimensional chess' - was 'very difficult', but said there was 'a will to get an agreement' in Baku.

'Now I'm not trying to look at this through rose-tinted spectacles, because you can hold two truths in your mind at the same time,' he added.

'One that the transition is unstoppable and, secondly, it's not going nearly fast enough. I think both truths are correct. The world is moving.

Perhaps there is a slight touch of Ed style shading in there. Even a professional idiot may eventually realise that the world will go where the world goes and the UK doesn't have any say in where that might be. Meanwhile -

Ed Miliband's net zero plan could 'lead to blackouts'

Ed Miliband has been warned that his net zero crusade could put the UK at risk of blackouts after energy demands came close to exceeding supply.

The National Energy System Operator (NESO), which manages Britain's gas and electricity supply, issued an alert earlier this month after a shortfall in power across Britain


Macheath said...

‘…because you can hold two truths in your mind at the same time,' he added.

Even if they contradict each other? If he shares this belief with his Leader and others, it would certainly explain some of the many inconsistencies in the reasoning (or lack of it) of members of the current Cabinet.

Macheath said...

(Using ‘truth’ in the modern sense here, of course, as I assume Miliband was doing.)

dearieme said...

Is Weird Ed a zealot, is he a traitor, or is he merely insane?

Do you know, I'm not sure. What does the bacon sandwich episode imply?
How can a chap with three kitchens be unfamiliar with eating a sandwich?

DiscoveredJoys said...

Ah, but some truths are Noble Lies - a myth or a lie knowingly propagated by an elite to maintain social harmony.

Peter MacFarlane said...

Right now, wind is contributing 0.34% of UK electricity generation.

Just sayin’

A K Haart said...

Macheath - it's something to ponder when a chap like Ed talks about 'truth'. It seems to be entirely political when used in the public arena, so maybe 'truths' can't be contradictory. Not as blatant as 'War is Peace', but the same path.

dearieme - I'm not sure either, I tend to settle on 'professional idiot' as this seems to be an approach politicians use to attract attention, where honestly pragmatic doesn't. Yet he may be an idiot anyway.

DJ - that seems to be what it's all about, propagating Noble Lies. Not really noble of course, but they don't need to be as long as they also keep the proles in check, which is the underlying idea.

Peter - impressive isn't it? It's hopelessly insane or evil.

Doonhamer said...

Yes, and we are burning American forests at the maximum rate that they can be stuffed into the furnaces. Very green. The other "very green" sources of our electricity are interesting.

James Higham said...

To answer Dearieme … all three.

A K Haart said...

Doonhamer - wind still very low and on Friday, forecast high winds may lead to some turbines being shut down. Unfortunately, sanity was shut down some time ago.

James - I think he's a professional idiot but of course that makes him a professional traitor too.