
Monday, 13 January 2025

Full confidence

UK politics live: Starmer backs Reeves over economy as he launches plan to make Britain ‘AI superpower’

Sir Keir Starmer said he has “full confidence” in his team when asked to guarantee Rachel Reeves would be Chancellor until the next election.

However, he declined to say whether Ms Reeves would remain Chancellor for the duration of the parliament.

Leaves a chap wondering what partial confidence would look like, or no confidence. Probably much the same as full confidence. 


Sam Vega said...

He's probably supporting her until the AI starts to produce results, and he can ask for a new robotic Chancellor.

I'm not sure how long these things take, but journalists are advised to keep an eye on large packages delivered to no. 10, which then get taken next door.

Scrobs. said...

TTK's reliance on AI extends to pressing a switch on his phone, and getting a rerun of a similar 'speech' from every other failing PM in the UK!

A K Haart said...

Sam - another thing to watch out for is Elon Musk peering through the window, saying "yes it will easily fit in there."

Scrobs - he'll soon be able to rerun the speeches in his voice too. He'll have to turn the volume up to avoid people falling asleep.

Peter MacFarlane said...

Ah, they're backing winners again.

We really are back in 1978 aren't we?

DiscoveredJoys said...

Modern dictionary item No. 1984

"Full confidence" - see "Kiss of death".

Tammly said...

There is an example of another hard crash into the wall of impending reality. It's not going to be possible for Britain to become a world leader in AI because of the Government's energy policies. Contrarywise, we could become world leaders in it if they adopted Trump's energy policies. Which they won't, so failure all round then for the U K.

A K Haart said...

Peter - Starmer was 16 in 1978 and maybe that's where his political roots are to this day. He really does seem to think government can choose and back winners, as if he absorbed no political lessons after 1978.

DJ - yes, it has evolved into a code for imminent departure. Let us hope he used the code correctly.

Tammly - yes, it's a major brick wall because we need more electricity not less. Presumably the intention is that the peasants have less, there doesn't seem to be another short to medium term option.

Doonhamer said...

Any farmer knows what AI is.
Beware the pollie with the turkey baster concealed in his red box. Never turn your back to them.

A K Haart said...

Doonhamer - ha ha, good advice.