
Wednesday 25 September 2024

That went well

Labour conference votes to reverse cut to winter fuel allowance

A motion calling for Labour to reverse its cut to the winter fuel allowance has been backed by party conference members, in an embarrassing blow to Sir Keir Starmer.

While there is nothing binding about the vote, it puts further pressure on the Labour leadership over its controversial decision to take away the benefit from millions of pensioners.

The motion was put forward by the trade union Unite, which has accused the government of embarking on "austerity mark two".

As has been foreseen by everyone but two members of the Starmer cabinet, this mess was easily predictable and it won't get any better as winter looms. All Starmer has left to get him through it while remaining politically intact is leadership and charisma or an enormous dollop of luck. 

Luck it is then. Maybe Lord Alli has some.


dearieme said...

Did you see Two-Tier's blaming of one of his children for his accepting one of Lord Ali-pally's little payments? What a twerp.

DiscoveredJoys said...

King Lear Kier perhaps? He holds on to leadership as long as the factions in the Labour Party squabble amongst themselves. Leadership, but not authority.

Perhaps Corbyn is Cordelia - banished but loyal to the original socialism?

As I recall there are no happy endings.

Sam Vega said...

Yes, any elderly person whose death can plausibly be said to have something to do with the cold is set to be posthumously very famous. Hopefully, anti-Starmer activists will be scouring those newspaper reports.

The bit about charisma is interesting. Politicians need at least two strings to their bow, in case (when!) things go wrong. Being a legal technocrat is tough, because the amount of control you can impose with the law is actually quite small. You need to be able to talk and charm your way out of it as well. Starmer is the exact opposite of Boris, who talked and charmed his way into office, but was technically incompetent.

dearieme said...

Oh dear, Two-Tier: Guido has caught him out as being economical with the truth about his son and Alli-pally's pad.

A K Haart said...

dearieme - thanks for the link, I didn't know about that. Oh dear, it just gets worse. Fun to watch at the moment though.

DJ - I think you are right. He ought to be gone, but with lots of squabbling and no obvious replacement, he could hang on but you are right, no happy endings.

Sam - "the amount of control you can impose with the law is actually quite small."
Yes that seems to be his problem, he thinks it's comprehensive. The technocrat delusion.