
Thursday 5 September 2024

The hard sell

New wind projects a good first step for government - but big challenges remain

Securing more renewable generation is only part of the challenge - the variable nature of wind and solar means Britain needs the ability to store that excess power.

A puff piece for wind projects, but there is no need to read beyond the admission of intermittency and storage problems - it can't work as claimed and it won't. 

The nature of the problem is repeated further down, but the lethal nature of intermittency remains vague, which of course it has to - this is a puff piece. Something people need doesn't have to be sold this hard. Something they certainly don't need has to be sold good and hard. 

Really, the hard sell is the big clue.


Sam Vega said...

The economics is another big clue, and explains wht the hard sell is needed. If this worked - i.e. if it delivered cheaper cleaner energy than the current systems - then those rapacious capitalist exploiters would have been all over it, trying to make a profit and enrich themselves. There's a reason why this is all "new".

James Higham said...

Straight for the jugular, AKH … luv it:

A puff piece for wind projects, but there is no need to read beyond the admission of intermittency and storage problems - it can't work as claimed and it won't.

DiscoveredJoys said...

I despair, quietly, as newspapers and on-line articles just repeat press releases as 'truth'.

Clearly we now live in a world where the ordinary bits are fulsomely described by estate agents and the less attractive bits harrowingly described by charities seeking money. Politics is reported as a Kabuki show... stylized and with elaborate costumes, makeup and staging.

We are all (expected to be) lotus eaters now.

A K Haart said...

Sam - yes, the two clues are linked, if it delivered cheaper cleaner energy it would sell itself.

James - thanks, shooting fish in a barrel really, but it has to be done every now and then.

DJ - yes, repeating press releases as 'truth' is an abdication of everything worthwhile in any profession, even the point of having a profession. May as well be done by AI - possibly it is.