
Friday 6 September 2024


‘Authoritarian’ Green Party could go bankrupt for ‘discrimination’ against women

The Green Party's conference in Manchester began on Friday when protesters gathered outside to voice their anger at the Party's views on gender...

Protesters outside of the party’s Manchester conference today said the alleged “ongoing discrimination” may lead to court cases with the potential to bankrupt the Greens.

There is nothing wrong with bankrupting the Greens, the quicker the better, but the Green soul is solidly authoritarian. May as well accuse them of being obsessives or mad.


DiscoveredJoys said...

It would not upset me if the Greens went bankrupt. Nor did it upset me when Labour Party workers went on strike (how did that end?). I felt relieved that the Conservatives were punished for their indolence.

On the other hand it helps identify people you don't want to speak to by the colour of their rosette.

Sam Vega said...

One of the problems with the sort of student union politics that the Greens go in for is that it attracts people who are "radical" and who subscribe to any daft ideas that are trendy. A disparate group of young kids with blue hair and daft old middle class tabbies who want windmills, lady-penises, open borders, drag queens, more NHS, payment for not working, the destruction of Israel and compulsory veganism - all overseen by the EU. One might expect the odd disagreement from time to time.

A K Haart said...

DJ - maybe there should be a BBC/Guardian rosette too, it could save a lot of time. Or a more general rainbow rosette for general nuttiness.

Sam - radicals also seem to be good at finding odd disagreements in the minutiae of their radicalism and that seems to steer their internal debates away from a more dispassionate sanity.

dearieme said...

The People's Front for the Liberation of Broccoli is at daggers drawn with Broccoli Liberation Front.

A K Haart said...

dearieme - instead of conflict they need to join forces against the deviationist Radical Broccoli Collective.

Tammly said...

These are the people who informed me that it was 'right wing' political leaders that caused war, whilst breaking out in spats amongst themselves. Anyone remember Sarah Parkin?

A K Haart said...

Tammly - I don't remember Sarah Parkin, but a quick check suggests she has been pretty good at spats. It's Keir Starmer's internal threat, spats and divisions.