
Tuesday 10 September 2024

They’d make the banks blush

Martin Lewis launches attack on local councils: ‘Like loan sharks’

He also highlighted the fact that UK households can face a bill of around £1,600 for missing a £140 payment by three weeks.

The Money and Mental Health Policy Institute, a charity founded by Mr Lewis, said processes are driving unacceptable harms that disproportionately affect people with mental health problems.

Mr Lewis said: “Council tax collection practices are so aggressive they’d make the banks blush. The grotesque process couldn’t have been designed better to accelerate distress for people in council tax debt, especially those with mental health problems.

Presumably this is what 'levelling up" leads to - equality of outcome.  

Not an issue we've come across, but local councils seem to be very keen on sucking up the cash these days. Naturally they will blame central government for any negative effect on those who can't cope with council enthusiasm.


Sam Vega said...

A little experiment. They could try swapping the enthusiastic staff who collect the money into roles where they are in charge of delivering services. The ones who used to be less than busy not arranging bin collection could take it easy when dealing with those members of the public who have health difficulties, and the gung-ho financial team could crack the whip over the subcontractors.

Anonymous said...

Happy diverse climate change pronouns, fellow racists … all power to your money and mental health. Take a knee for the far right unvaxxed.

A K Haart said...

Sam - that's a good idea, although our bin collections are pretty reliable. Maybe it's the right way round here.

Anon - I don't know what a climate change pronoun would be, but maybe Ed knows.