
Monday 2 September 2024

Let's hope it stays that way

Tory leadership: We won't win back trust 'by pointing out how terrible Labour are', says Badenoch

Kemi Badenoch will lash out at Labour in a speech to launch her leadership bid - but she will say her party ultimately needs to "focus on renewal" rather than criticising the government to win the next election...

"If the Conservatives want to become worthy of the British people's trust again, we can't just sit around pointing out how terrible Labour are... fun as it is," Ms Badenoch will say.

It's fun now - let's hope it stays that way.


Sam Vega said...

If we have a choice between a number of different routes to national destruction and misery, let's hope that we can choose the one that offers the most belly-laughs.

DiscoveredJoys said...

How terrible Labour are will be obvious to those prepared to see. For those who benefit from the new regime no mere 'facts' will make the scales fall from their eyes.

Even if Labour destroy our society there will still be a few who refuse to see. We must minimise that number of the Far Left.

Doonhamer said...

It is normal to wait until you are requested to form a government, and then a month or few before suddenly discovering just how terrible the previous lot were.
Oh jings, crivvens, help ma boab. We've just discovered a Black Sink Hole under Number 11.
Not even a little scribbled note informing the new boy/girl/whatever that the kitty is empty, apart from a few moths. See Byrne and Laws.

A K Haart said...

Sam - that's how I look at it. Ridicule is probably the best response anyway.

DJ - there are some signs that confidence in Labour's new broom is not high and confidence in Starmer much the same. The next few months could be interesting.

A K Haart said...

Doonhamer - maybe Starmer and co. aimed to appear so keen and on the ball that they couldn't wait before suddenly discovering how terrible the previous lot were. Or maybe Starmer is a natural finger-pointer who begins as he means to continue.

Doonhamer said...

Surkier should know that when you point your finger as some naughty person then the other three fingers are pointing at him.