
Monday 23 September 2024

The dead hand of fake optimism

Reeves to promise investment to 'rebuild Britain' in Labour Party conference speech

The Government’s autumn Budget statement will be used to “rebuild Britain” and deliver on the change Labour offered at the election, Rachel Reeves is to pledge.

The Chancellor will make her speech at the Labour Party conference on Monday as ministers seek to move out from under the shadow of a row about donations.

After weeks of warning about a poor economic legacy left by the Conservative government, Ms Reeves is also expected to signal a path towards further public investment, which she will claim is the “solution” to the UK’s growth problem.

Oh dear - further public investment, I hope it's better than that. Let's take a gander at one of the comments to cheer us up on this dull Monday morning:-

Continuing the Blair project, to rebuild Britain as an over populated over urbanised global colony & 3rd World hole with mass migration. For an oligarch & peasant society. In contempt of democracy, with only about 20% Public support.

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