
Monday 2 September 2024


Lisa Nandy hits out at ‘incredibly depressing’ Oasis ticket sale and orders probe into surge pricing

Lisa Nandy has called the inflated selling of Oasis tickets “incredibly depressing” and revealed that surge pricing will be included in a government review of the ticket resale market.

Before Oasis fans were hit with ticket prices more than doubling from £148 to £355 on Ticketmaster, the government had pledged to “bring in protections to stop people being ripped off by touts”.

As far as I can tell, Ms Nandy excludes the government from touting accusations, yet she could speak to Ed Miliband about the wider, but related issue of electricity prices. 

The BBC TV licence is another related issue. She could have some strong words with the Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport about that. Someone called Lisa Nandy apparently.

These issues are incredibly depressing.


Sam Vega said...

They can also investigate "surge sentencing", where some groups go to the front of the queue for court appearances, and get tougher sentencing.

DiscoveredJoys said...

This "Something must be done (about something not terribly important)" is indeed depressing. Something must be done!

dearieme said...

It's a depressing Toni Blair moment. Does she, too, have an alcoholic, insane, malevolent advisor?

Doonhamer said...

Just about every issue from the BBC is very credibly depressing.
If anybody describes anything as being "incredible", I do not believe them.

A K Haart said...

Sam - the positive aspect of "surge sentencing" is that it was impossible to miss and will probably be remembered by a large number of people.

DJ - yes, it's so trivial, the price of tickets for entertainment events. If government ministers can't rise above that, they shouldn't be there.

dearieme - I hope not, but he may fancy his chances of pulling the levers again.

Doonhamer - it's one of those language shifts which isn't easy to point out without creating bafflement. Ministers shouldn't do it, but they are creatures of habit.

Bucko said...

Try as I might, I simply can't figure out what on Earth this has to do with the Government.

A K Haart said...

Bucko - I can't either. Government should be far above trivia like that.