
Tuesday 3 September 2024

It's that brick wall again

Car makers build green vehicles 'no one wants' to meet eco targets, says dealership chain boss

Car makers are being forced to build vehicles drivers 'don't want' to meet green targets, one of the country's biggest dealership chains has warned.

Under rules brought in by the previous Tory administration, 22 per cent of new cars sold next year must be zero emission. This threshold is set to rise to 80 per cent in 2030.

Robert Forrester, chief executive of Vertu Motors, said this meant car makers were producing vehicles that many drivers do not want.

It is remarkable how slowly the obvious can take to becomes obvious. Mr Forrester will have known about the problem for ages, but apparently the brick wall has to be really close to rouse our political elites, possibly not even then.

At this rate we'll hit it the wall and this does seem to be the current intention. Stupidly destructive, but so far there are no strong reasons to think otherwise.


DiscoveredJoys said...

Imagine the situation right now where only EVs were being made. The price of used (ICE) cars would rise dramatically. There would be a strong industry providing parts (up to and including body shells) to keep older gars going. And that is the *expectation* for 2030 or so.

You will know that the global regime will have turned the screw when the existence of petrol stations is limited by law. I expect Head Prefect Starmer to announce this before the end of the current Parliament.

decnine said...

Building cars that nobody wants to buy sounds like a sustainable way to go broke; quickly. That unsold inventory doesn't fund itself.

A K Haart said...

DJ - I've wondered about a limit on petrol stations, although by then things may be such a mess that anything is possible.

decnine - that's a point, most MPs probably don't have the experience to understand problems with unsold inventory, it's just words to them.

DiscoveredJoys said...

Thinking about the changeover to EVs I was remined of the switch to unleaded petrol back in the late 80's. We were looking to change the family car and visited several dealers/garages. They were desperate to shift stocks of leaded petrol cars and offered good prices. But when I inspected a 'new' Avenger it had obviously stood outside for some time. The boot contained a couple of inches of rain water.

Just an earlier example of manufacturers not responding effectively to changes in the law.

Tammly said...

We are looking at this from our view point but I don't think the Labour politicians really understand the catastrophe they are ushering in with their intention to ban petrol and diesel vehicles. It will wreck society. It will affect us all including them!

A K Haart said...

DJ - I wonder how much advance notice they had? Possibly not enough to prepare.

A K Haart said...

Tammly - I'm sure they don't understand it, but it's hard to see what would push them to acknowledge it. It's not difficult to understand now.