
Monday 9 September 2024

Kim's Forbidden Pants

Forbidden fashion: N. Korean youth punished for mimicking Kim Jong Un’s pants

Some people find it "very confusing" that "even following what the supreme leader does is a problem," a source told The Daily NK

As North Korean authorities intensify a crackdown on youth fashion, they’ve begun targeting young people who imitate Kim Jong Un’s clothing and hairstyle, particularly those who wear baggy pants similar to the leader’s. The unexpected crackdown, which began in early August in Chongjin, is being enforced by the Socialist Patriotic Youth League.

Speaking on condition of anonymity, a source in North Hamgyong province told The Daily NK on Wednesday that North Korean youths call the baggy pants, which have far more legroom than other pants, “supreme leader pants.”

Meanwhile we await a crackdown on young people imitating Keir Starmer's hairstyle and suits, Angela Rayner's individualistic fashion sense and Pixie's surely-not-the-Home-Secretary look. 


Sam Vega said...

I don't think young people will be copying Starmer's glasses, unless they've got Waheed Alli forking out for them. They cost almost as much as a monthly mortgage repayment, or a small heat-pump.

A K Haart said...

Sam - everything about him seems expensive for someone else. Almost defines a politician I suppose.

Bucko said...

I once got lampooned at work for accidently imitating Tony Blair's tie

A K Haart said...

Bucko - blimey, that suggests people noticed Tony Blair's tie.

Bucko said...

Never thought of it that way

Doonhamer said...

Surkier. Why does his supersized, armoured multi- litre diesel transport for one man, park ten yards away from Surkier's Number 10 front door. Not to show us his manly, purposeful Green strides as his press suck-ups take pictures of him walking, Shirley?
Blair tie. Only one tie? Probably his "I'm just dis guy" , man of the people, tie, hand woven by devoted Edinburgh Cottagers with the quick release spring clip at the back, in case in a moment of passion someone tried to strangle him.

A K Haart said...

Doonhamer - "Not to show us his manly, purposeful Green strides as his press suck-ups take pictures of him walking, Shirley?"

Ha ha - I like that, particularly "press suck-ups". It's all so transparent too.