
Sunday 15 September 2024


Clothes donations help Starmers ‘look their best’ for the UK – Lammy

Sir Keir Starmer and his wife Victoria accepted donations of clothing so they could “look their best” to represent the UK, David Lammy said.

The Foreign Secretary said other countries allowed lavish, taxpayer-funded budgets for clothing for their leaders.

The Prime Minister is alleged to have broken parliamentary rules by failing to declare donations of clothing for his wife within the designated time limit.

The gifts, from prominent Labour donor Lord Alli, were not initially declared in the register of MPs’ interests.

Good to see the gilded wardrobe hasn't fallen out of use. Is that David Lammy's job now, making lavish excuses for this kind of troughing? I though he was Foreign Secretary and apparently he did too. 

Oh well, lessons learned as they say.


James Higham said...

Look his best, a bit like Lammy with suit and trainers I suppose.

A K Haart said...

James - when best isn't even average.

Macheath said...

Lammy’s apparent incapability of distinguishing between a Head of State - with a taxpayer funded budget appropriate to the representative of the People - and the leader of the majority party in Parliament would be hilarious if it were not for his position on a world state.

I suspect he and his cohort may well go down in history as ‘the Dunning-Kruger Cabinet’.

Macheath said...

PS: Brilliant idea from comments at Guido Fawkes:

“can we persuade our leaders to become nudists ? we could save on expenses and give the proletariat a laugh.”

A K Haart said...

Macheath - good point, maybe Lammy sees the office of PM as a kind of monarch. I hope he didn't acquire that idea from Starmer.

Crikey - I'm not keen on the nudist idea. Even though it would be a laugh, it would require a strong stomach too.

Sam Vega said...

I wonder how these kind of statements get set up? Does the cabinet get asked to choose someone to rebut an embarrassing accusation, or do they fall over themselves to support the boss?

Either way, explaining a dress is a lot easier than building credibility in diplomacy.

A K Haart said...

Sam - "Either way, explaining a dress is a lot easier than building credibility in diplomacy."

I think you've nailed it. Lammy saw his chance and didn't even have to elbow other volunteers aside.

dearieme said...

I saw a photo of Lammy at the White House. His suit jacket didn't fit. I suppose he's had lots of grub at the taxpayers' expense since the election.

A K Haart said...

dearieme - he looks like a chap who gains weight easily. A few official lunches and he needs new trousers.

Anonymous said...

Having read an entry by Julia M on Ambush Predator, let's hope Lammy doesn't have any new trousers made by the same firm that makes Police trousers.

A K Haart said...

Penseivat - yes I read that, epic bungling of the woke variety. It seems fairly trivial, but even on that level the bungling must be far more damaging than we know. It all adds up.