
Thursday 19 September 2024

Pressure job

PM is in a 'pressure job' and should be allowed freebies, says minister

Sky News's Westminster Accounts project has revealed Sir Keir Starmer has been gifted more freebies and hospitality than any other MP since 2019.

Business Secretary Jonathan Reynolds said anyone who is a PM "spends pretty much every bit of their waking life working on it" and if they are able to do something important to them "I don't think that's a problem".

Blimey, this chap is no better than David Lammy when it comes to explaining Freebiegate. I suppose explaining these things also counts as a pressure job  - it certainly will when winter looms a little closer. 


Bucko said...

Maybe the PM should do a lot less work. I think we'd all benefit

A K Haart said...

Bucko - I agree, working from home and much longer holidays would be a start.

dearieme said...

This is the chap who said that PMs tend to exhaust themselves so he'd always knock off at 6 p.m. on Fridays.

DiscoveredJoys said...

Perhaps Starmer could do a 'Biden' and appear less and less frequently in public. The Ange could step forward to take over leadership....

A K Haart said...

dearieme - yes he did, I'd forgotten that.

DJ - yes, there's a Kamala type downside.

Sam Vega said...

This latest revelation - that he is absolutely the top sponger and grifter - is actually of a different magnitude. Anyone could, presumably, have made a mistake. That's why during the MP expenses scandal of 2009 there was a clear difference between those who had erred in a couple of areas, and those who had systematically salted away multiple dodgy purchases. Starmer is clearly in the second category. He needs exposing, and the media need to keep pressing him on this. Just a few well-judged questions on TV or in Parliament, and the tide could turn even more. "Two-tier Keir" has stuck. We need to ensure that "Free Gear Keir" does as well.

A K Haart said...

Sam - yes he needs exposing on this because it matters, it's a litmus test for his attitude towards his role and the need for probity. It's what he effectively sold himself on - his probity when compared to the Tories, yet he's worse than they are.