
Friday 27 September 2024

Open House

Wes Streeting risks fury after 'using Lord Alli’s penthouse for £20k fundraiser'

Wes Streeting co-hosted the event, held in March 2022 and featuring other guests including former EastEnders actor Lord Cashman, with fellow Labour MP Kim Leadbeater.

It seems clear enough that Lord Alli doesn't spend much time there, it's always taken up by Labour bigwigs. I hope they invite him round occasionally.


James Higham said...

Love the name Lord Cashman.

Macheath said...

Perhaps someone should put him in touch with Rentokil; it’s all starting to look like a persistent infestation.

dearieme said...

How do the conversations go?

Does Alli-pally say "Kier, dear boy, you need more fashionable glasses"? Does Two-Tier pull a face and sigh "But the price." Does A-p reply "my treat"?

Or does A-p take the initiative? "Here's a couple of grand, old friend, hie thee off to buy new glasses". And does T-T reply "Just so long as you understand that The Rules, peace be upon them, require me to say that no favours from me will flow because of your generosity"? "Except for a No. 10 pass, obviously."

dearieme said...

I think of the balloon-faced fellow as Stress Wetting. And I being unfair?

A K Haart said...

James - yes it's so appropriate isn't it?

Macheath - although it's almost as if the penthouse itself is a kind of Rentokil trap which has already caught a few of the infestation critters.

dearieme - the conversation could go either way, but for me the puzzle is those clothes for Victoria. Did A-p say "Victoria looks a little dowdy for her position, hie thee off to buy her new frocks"? Or did Starmer say "Victoria looks a little dowdy through these new spectacles, but fashionable frocks are so frightfully expensive"?

I don't know a great deal about the balloon-faced fellow, but calling him "Stress Wetting" doesn't seem unkind. He seems to be solidly Labour with a few twiddles to give him a very faint touch of individuality.

dearieme said...

I remember journalists repeatedly demanding of Boris "How many children do you have?" Has anyone asked Two-Tier? He couldn't have a Two-Tier family life, could he?

dearieme said...

I floated that baseless speculation because I have been wondering how Two-Tier could be so penniless that he felt he needed money from his pal. Two families would explain it. So would blackmail. Or secret but expensive habits. Does he like top class Burgundies or is he more of a beer and curry chap?

A K Haart said...

dearieme - my baseless speculation is that there is a big secret in Starmer's personal life and the media won't talk about it, but if it became known, most people would shrug and say "interesting, but is that all?"