
Thursday 26 September 2024

Not invited

UK consumer confidence hit by budget gloom; Elon Musk ‘not invited to UK investment summit’ – business live

Elon Musk’s comments about this summer’s UK riots have cost him a place at next month’s International Investment Summit, the BBC reports.

The Summit is part of the Labour government’s push to stimulate economic growth, by attracting more spending to the UK, and is expected to take place at a central London location.

The goal is to show that the UK is “open for business” under a new government.

Oh dear, Musk's comments 'cost him a place' so from the off it's political sensibilities before business. No doubt the goal also depends on how much bureaucratic activity the business ushers in. 

Meanwhile, Musk seems to be enjoying himself in New York where Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni described him as a "precious genius". That's not Starmer's style at all.

Elon Musk denies 'romantic relationship' with Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni

He said she was "even more beautiful inside than outside", and she hailed him as a "precious genius" - but Elon Musk has denied rumours of a 'romantic relationship' with Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni.


microdave said...

Seen earlier today:

NEW: Elon Musk responds to not being invited

"I don’t think anyone should go to the UK when they’re releasing convicted pedophiles in order to imprison people for social media posts."

Sam Vega said...

To be fair, they couldn't really invite Musk after what he had said about the UK government and the country as a whole. That would have made them look weak and craven, pushed around by a braggart who happens to have a lot of financial clout.

But the problem was entirely of their own making. Musk wouldn't have tweeted as he did if the government had not jailed people for speaking their mind in a hitherto legal and acceptable manner, all the while displaying empathy towards BLM, XR, and also releasing violent offenders from jail. He was saying what millions of others were saying. Sometimes it takes a while for your actions to turn around and bite you on the backside. But Starmer is getting bitten now, as nobody can claim that excluding the world's richest man is a good position to be in. I expect him to now say that he had been planning to open a massive factory in the UK to help us with Net Zero, but now, alas...

DiscoveredJoys said...

It's always been political sensibilities before business for Labour, hidden by some Labour PMs better than others. It would be a hoot if other top billing businesses also remembered a prior engagement or only sent their DEI minions to 'show willing'.

dearieme said...

Talking of ham-handed Labour a cynical thought has occurred to me. Starmer's boy who was taking GCSEs - he felt impeded, Two-Tier claims, by the noisy scrum of pressmen around their house. So, off to Alli-pally's pad.

But suppose the real reason was that Starmer was planning to employ private tutors to coach the boy and didn't want the press to enquire about these visitors to the house. Tutors could presumably come and go untroubled at A-p's pad.

The inspiration for this suggestion was an Aussie I met decades ago who sent his children to Holland Park Comprehensive in the days when virtue-signalling rich socialists made a fuss about sending their children there. The Aussie explained - yes, but part of the money they save on school fees is spent on hiring private tutors for the evenings or weekend. They are all at it.

Doonhamer said...

The only "investment" that any real business will bring to a broken, overtaxed, over regulated, DEI infested, poorly educated UK will be backed up by taxpayer "investment", start-up "funding", repeat green subsidies, subsidies for "correct" training, etc..
The in-country company bosses will be the usual suspects from the public service/political revolving door set, getting additional Honours for their troubles.
The overseas investors of course will continue to live overseas as will the profits.
And then sudden and totally unexpected bankruptcy.
Musk? We donna need no steenking Musk.

A K Haart said...

Dave - he certainly knows how to needle the establishment. Long may it continue.

Sam - Musk seems to be like Trump, Farage and a number of other prominent people, he sees a huge audience for jibes aimed at the establishment. From what we see, Starmer and co. don't wish to acknowledge the size of that audience and why the jibes are so popular. Musk could easily be defanged by a token gesture such as his name on an innovation award, but they won't make it.

DJ yes, political sensibilities before business, that's it in a nutshell and Labour seems incapable of growing out of it.

dearieme - that sounds so plausible that we may as well go with it as the best explanation unless we see solid evidence to suggest otherwise. I've seen a comment about a mismatch between exam dates and the accommodation dates, but I'm not sure if that is inconsistent with private tuition away from the public eye.

Doonhamer - I agree, there is no way they can attract real investment, only subsidy farming. That may be all they expect to generate some misleading headlines to crow about, because they have made it quite clear that the business environment can only get worse.