
Sunday 22 September 2024

But is it a Banksy?

Investigation launched into 'Jail Starmer' graffiti at MP's office


The starting point for any investigation should surely be the artistic integrity of the work. It is worth recalling that the Labour party is the party of the urban slogan, urban chant and pithy placard. Not the  effete culture of reason, argument and trade-offs. 


DiscoveredJoys said...

I do not condone violence... but from the same news article:

"MPs have described working in an increasingly hostile environment, with experiences ranging from death threats and abuse to attacks on their constituency offices and protests at their homes."

Gosh. I wonder why that should be?

Sam Vega said...

A party spokesentity said:

"Keir is touched by the Eurocentric affection expressed by the recent graffiti "Ja! I L(ove) Starmer", but he's an ordinary modest bloke so doesn't want it to spread".

A K Haart said...

DJ - I'm baffled by threats like that, I wonder if they are?

Sam - ha ha, and it isn't only Keir who is touched, his whole party is.