
Saturday 30 September 2023

A Reminder


James Higham said...

Coming up to confrontation time again I see. Ok, we steel ourselves for the fray.

Sam Vega said...

The examples of ridiculous regulations he cites (day-care children being forced to mask but not when they nap; wearing masks in a restaurant and then being allowed to take them off when eating) has another dimension. The fact that in the UK, there was no specification as to the type of mask required. There were recommendations, but I seem to recall that string vests were legally permissible. I often saw drivers in a hurry rush into our corner shop with a pullover or vest pulled up above the nose while they made a purchase.

One can imagine Boris asking a task group to ask for quick suggestions as to what we needed to do to mitigate the effects of the virus and its spread. Then, to ask a group to come up with the published research and analyse its relevance to our needs. Then, to commission new research if both needed and possible. Then, to incorporate anything useful into legislation.

Actually, I made that bit up. I can't imagine Boris doing anything as sensible as that.

dearieme said...

Sam, there was no need for any of that. It had been known for donkeys that masks don't work. It's just the physics of aerosol dispersion, the physics of the structure of the masks, and the physics of mask-meets-face (or fails to meet face). Which virus lurks in the tiny aerosol droplets matters not a hoot.

The ironists who made YouTubes of themselves smoking in masks made the point perfectly.

A K Haart said...

James - I hope not but it may be on the agenda.

Sam - yes, the lack of a standard was ludicrous although I suspect the masks were more about visible conformity, an aid to finger-pointing and about scaring a susceptible section of the population. I remember a waitress wearing a mask which fitted so badly I could see her mouth.

dearieme - I remember a really effective YouTube video made by a vaper using a range of different masks including a surgical mask, but it was taken down before I could use it in a blog post.