
Saturday 23 September 2023

Ed's Crisis List

Rishi Sunak 'does not give a damn' about climate change, Ed Miliband claims

The shadow net zero secretary said Mr Sunak saw the drive to cut emissions as an obligation forced on him rather than an economic opportunity.

"We face three crises as a country," Mr Miliband told the online conference of Labour's sister Co-operative Party.

"We face a cost-of-living crisis, we face a long-term economic crisis and we face a climate crisis."

It isn't easy to see this as a criticism, especially from a weird chap claiming to be "shadow net zero secretary". It's feeble, but Ed always was feeble. 

How did he rise to a position where his feeble speeches are reported nationally, as if they contain something of interest?


Doonhamer said...

Before leaping onto his bicycle android pedalling to the next press conference.

DiscoveredJoys said...

We face a surfeit of useless politicians crisis.

A K Haart said...

Doonhamer - he'd need a bacon sandwich first.

DJ - we do and Ed is one of them.

dearieme said...

His brother David was wangled into Oxford by a technique that would be called cheating had it not been deployed by an influential socialist family. How about Ed? Did he actually earn his place?

A K Haart said...

dearieme - I don't know, but his father certainly seems to have been influential.