
Tuesday 26 September 2023

An image too far

Lib Dem with their tails in the air? That's an image too far for me.

Lib Dems have their tails in the air once again - just don't mention Brexit | Beth Rigby

The Lib Dems have struggled at general elections since their coalition with the Conservatives in 2010, but they are daring to dream of becoming Westminster's third-biggest party once more when voters next go to the polls.


DiscoveredJoys said...

In the main picture of the article Ed Davies appears to be using a cuckoo clock with a Lib Dem cuckoo.

Since Cuckoos are well known for laying their eggs in the nests of other birds I can only assume that they have no shame or principles. Which is why they are where they are perhaps?

Doonhamer said...

Never stand behind an ox which lifts its tail in the air.
You know that a load of bullshit is coming your way.

James Higham said...

No to the Uniparty.

dearieme said...

I think we should obliterate the present lot and return to the politics that God intended for Britain, Whigs vs Tories.

The trouble is you'd have to find some Whigs. And some Tories.

dearieme said...

Seen today: "overdosing Delusionol".

That would work pretty well as a description of the LimpDems.

Sam Vega said...

Coulrophobia is no laughing matter, folks.

A K Haart said...

DJ - it almost looks as if it is supposed to bring a cuckoo clock to mind. As if someone is quietly trying to sabotage the Lib Dems with that particular association.

Doonhamer - I bet that's what the writer was thinking of while having to churn out a piece on the Lib Dems to a deadline.

James - but "yes" to plugging the idea that this is what they are.

dearieme - Whigs vs Tories sounds right to me. At least they took the job fairly seriously. I like "Delusionol". It probably comes in a green bottle.

Sam - they scare me even without baggy trousers, oversized shoes and comical hair.