Climatologist Dr. Judith Curry on the 'climate crisis':
"It's been characterized as a very simple issue: As if carbon dioxide emitted from fossil fuels is some sort of a control knob on the climate. Well, it just flat out isn't. Sure, humans are influencing the climate to some extent, but natural climate variability is far and away the dominant factor. And they're seizing on extreme weather events as motivating the elimination of fossil fuels, which is fairly ludicrous because a warming climate...there's no evidence that this is leading to worse extreme weather events. We've always had extreme weather. We're currently having extreme weather, and we will have extreme weather in the future no matter what we do regarding fossil fuels. And, and so the urgency that is put forward that we have to deal with this issue with all these made-up targets 1.5 degrees centigrade, or whatever, is leading us to make hasty decisions that are bad."
- There might be something in it.
- We might come up with other important findings.
- Even a small possibility of catastrophe is far too serious to ignore.
- What else would I do?
My guess is that "climate science " will be redefined to eliminate the sceptics and the moderates.
I still blame Excel, as that 'proves' any answer dreamed up by all those climate 'experts'.
Sam - the orthodox certainly seem keen on doing something like that. It has been said that the best students don't want to do climate science.
Scrobs - yes, it's so easy to mess around with different ways of selecting and presenting anything. Keep at it until it gives the right answer.
The incentives on "scientists" need to be changed. Frexample, any "scientist" who has demonstrably done more damage than the Luftwaffe will be strung up.
dearieme - that's the way to cut emissions.
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