
Friday 29 September 2023

On track to be the same or worse

Sweden: Military could help tackle 'unprecedented' surge in violence

Swedish Prime Minister Ulf Kristersson is considering how the armed forces can help police after the country's deadliest month since December 2019. The violence has been linked to a feud between the rival factions of a criminal gang known as the Foxtrot network.

It is not until the end of the article that we are given a hint about the source of the violence, already well enough known to everyone who pays attention.

Sweden had liberal immigration policies for many decades and took in more immigrants per capita than any other European nation during the 2015 migration crisis.

Around a fifth of Sweden's 10.5 million inhabitants were born abroad.

More than 60 people died in shootings last year in Sweden, the highest figure on record.

This year is on track to be the same or worse.


Doonhamer said...

You may already drive an elk proof Volvo.
Coming soon, the bullet proof Volvo.

The Jannie said...

"Criminal" and "immigrants" in the same paragraph? Wash your mouth out! It's their culcher, innit?

microdave said...

"You may already drive an elk proof Volvo"

I wonder if there are any of the first generation Mercedes "A" class cars still in use in Nordic countries? They (famously) did NOT pass the Elk avoidance "swerve" test, which (apparently) even a humble Trabant managed to do...

dearieme said...

Surely countries such as Sweden, France, the UK are doomed unless (i) they stop further immigration AND (ii) start ejecting criminal immigrants and criminals of recent immigrant descent.

I doubt the first will happen here and am confident the second won't. So there's not much to be done except urge your children and grandchildren to identify somewhere with a more attractive future and go to live there. Naturally they must ensure that they don't themselves become troublesome immigrants in their new home.

We could, though, cheer ourselves up by hanging those responsible. For the UK the first would be Toni Blair. No vigilante rubbish though: proper procedure - arrest, charge, try, convict, sentence, hang. I'm all for cheering ourselves up.

Tammly said...

dearieme Yes that's it exactly. I think the commenters on this blog would have the metal to do it if we only had the power and position.

A K Haart said...

Doonhamer - with optional offensive capabilities.

Jannie - more so than we ever bargained for.

Dave - I remember that issue. Must have affected sales everywhere.

dearieme - cheering ourselves up is my first option and it's a long list. Be prepared to go somewhere with a more attractive future would be my advice to younger folk if asked, but I wouldn't be able to suggest anywhere specific. I don't see our problem being tackled effectively.

A K Haart said...

Tammly - even with the power and position we'd be undermined by the permanent administration. They appear to see immigration levels as a matter of policy and nothing to do with anyone else.

Scrobs. said...

Your response to Tammly is spot on!

The resources wasted on illegals are a disgrace for normal British people trying to make ends meet!

Next year's Labour governmenr will sadly make matters worse, so save as much as you can!

A K Haart said...

Scrobs - it's the choice we are presented with - more of the same or worse. However grim the choice, I'm not voting for more of the same.