
Tuesday 19 September 2023

Titans of our time

Alexander McKibbin has an entertaining TCW hit piece on George Osborne and David Lammy.

Osborne and Lammy, titans of our time

SOMETIMES it’s the small things in life that add a spring to your step. Patting a dog’s head, hearing birdsong in the city, or perhaps reading something by George Osborne, former Chancellor of the Exchequer.

Since vacating 11 Downing Street, the industrious Mr Osborne has seen more jobs than a job centre in Liverpool. Talented doesn’t begin to describe his broad range of abilities which have seen him employed variously as editor of the London Evening Standard, adviser at BlackRock, holder of fellowships at the Hoover Institution and Stanford School of Business, partner at 9Yards Capital, partner at investment bank Robey Warshaw, chair of the northern Powerhouse Partnership, chair of the investment management company Lingotto – it’s a dizzying roster of employment. One can only imagine that with such an impressive hinterland, his CV is now available in paperback.

The whole piece is well worth reading, the link between Osborne and Lammy being a Spectator article written by Osborne.

One can safely assume him, with such an impressive track record, to be an astute judge of character, able to identify wheat from chaff. Which in a circuitous way is how we come to David Lammy, Shadow Secretary of State for Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Affairs.

In the current Spectator, Mr Osborne writes about speaking at a conference on transatlantic relations with former US national security advisers Condoleezza Rice and General H R McMaster. But it was the following passage that drew my attention.

‘Shadow foreign secretary David Lammy was at the conference, and I noticed all eyes on him as the coming man. Power is where power goes.’

Yes, I had to read it again too as I thought there must be some mistake.


Sam Vega said...

There's a trend at the moment for former politicians to pay each other compliments and debate things in a civil and non-abusive way. Osborne, Rory Stewart, Campbell, Ed Balls, and even Cameron. Perhaps they are just trying to salvage their reputations; to show that they can cooperate and work with differences as they look at alternative careers in the media and corporate finance. But it makes me wonder whether a lot of the old animosity was actually faked, a kayfabe. They pretended to oppose one another, because they had a common interest in diverting us while they controlled us and made money.

A K Haart said...

Sam - I've never forgotten my old school history teacher telling us that MPs from different political parties might try to howl each other down in the House but could be affable and friendly outside. Much of the animosity probably is faked, possibly more so now than in the past. As you say, they have common interests and one reason for being there is to build useful contacts.

dearieme said...

Is "Sir" Kier planning to appoint our dimmest ever Foreign Secretary?

A K Haart said...

dearieme - it seems so. Even a crash course in geography won't help.

James Higham said...

Just adore that heading!

A K Haart said...

James - I intend to remember it for future blog posts.