
Sunday 17 September 2023

A Prophesy Fulfilled

Activists spray paint on Berlin’s Brandenburg Gate in call for climate action

Climate activists sprayed orange and yellow paint on the columns of Berlin's landmark Brandenburg Gate on Sunday to push demands for a stop to the use of fossil fuels by 2030.

"Members of the so-called 'Last Generation' sprayed the columns on the east side of the Brandenburg Gate with orange paint from fire extinguishers during the morning," Berlin police said on X, formerly known as Twitter.

"We will not stop our protest unless a pivot is initiated. We have to exit oil, natural gas and coal by 2030 at the latest," it said.

If Germany does exit oil, natural gas and coal by 2030 then they could well turn out to be the last generation. But that's not what they expect to happen.


DiscoveredJoys said...

The German population is around 83 million people. How can such numbers 'exit' from oil, natural gas, and coal by 2030? What does that even mean? Is it even possible to generate enough clean energy to run the minimum transport and food production costs?

Because if the 'exit' means that (say) only 20 million people can be fed and kept warm then there are 63 million people who will be 'surplus'.

A K Haart said...

DJ - they must know it's nonsense, isn't going to happen and they would probably die if it did. It's political lying, claiming to believe what you don't believe and they must know that too. Surely.

DiscoveredJoys said...


Unless of course the activists are so far round the bend that they consider the pure of heart will survive - and that they are the purest of them all.

BTW there are others that think there will be 'signs of the end' this Saturday 23 September - presumably the Rapture will make the fossil fuel 'exit' unnecessary?

microdave said...

Instead of physically dragging these protesters off the road, why not simply "Divest" them of any clothes they are wearing made of oil derivatives? Oh, and confiscate their iPhones! This might be enough to get through their thick heads what absurd demands they are making...

Tammly said...

Well, the way things are going, I can see a route to the complete unravelling of the EU which I have predicted for decades. The Energiewende will destroy the German economy and hence the paymasters of the European Union. The Brexiteers can be really smug then. I'm going to call it 'Schadenfreude Day' if I live long enough to witness it.

James Higham said...

Death wish Deutschland uber alles, uber alles in der Welt.

A K Haart said...

DJ - I just looked up the September Rapture. Blimey - some people are simply nuts. It does back up your point about activists being round the bend.

Dave - there could be a name for that such as Deoiling. It could be a court sentence, instead of fines or a finger-wagging they could be Deoiled.

Tammly - 'Schadenfreude Day' it is, or perhaps 'SchadenfrEUde Day'.

James - it's extraordinary, the self-destructive nature of it.