National Trust reveals ambitious plans to combat nature crisis
The National Trust has revealed ambitious plans to combat the nature crisis and inspire millions more to help protect the environment and cultural heritage...
To further their mission, the charity plans to fundraise more in the next decade than it has in its entire previous century of existence...
Director-general Hilary McGrady said: "For 130 years, the National Trust has responded to the crises and challenges of the time. Today, nature is declining before our eyes and climate change is threatening homes and habitats on a colossal scale.
"Meanwhile, millions of people can’t enjoy the benefits that green space and heritage bring. So we will ramp up our work to restore nature, both on our own land and beyond our boundaries.
In case you thought there might be one or two causes missing from these ambitious plans, mental health is in there too. For some reason this isn't surprising.
The trust is co-producing a new natural history series, Hamza's Hidden Wild Isles, with The Open University for BBC One and iPlayer.
The series will feature wildlife cameraman Hamza as he unveils hidden wildlife gems across the UK.
The charity hopes the series will inspire people to take action and provide some relief from the current mental health crisis.
The trust is co-producing a new natural history series, Hamza's Hidden Wild Isles, with The Open University for BBC One and iPlayer.
The series will feature wildlife cameraman Hamza as he unveils hidden wildlife gems across the UK.
The charity hopes the series will inspire people to take action and provide some relief from the current mental health crisis.
We are both life members of the National Trust for Scotland - an entirely separate outfit - but have lived in England for many years and enjoyed lots of NT properties. There was a time when, we agreed, we'd leave the NT a little money in our wills. That time has long passed because of our disgust at the politicisation of the NT. The last straw was their decision to ban deer hunting on their land on Exmoor even though the original deal with the chap who gifted the land to them was that the deer hunting be allowed to continue unabated.
To break a contract is to be a crook so we'll leave them nothing. Which, alas and alack, means that we won't leave any money to any national charity since they all seem to have become crooks. Local charity - maybe; national charity - no.
"Hamza's Hidden Wild Isles"
Hamza? Hamza who? Haven't we heard of him before, somewhere?
The only mental issues the National Trust should consider are those of their own staff.
dearieme - we cancelled our NT membership a few years ago as their promotional material became more political. Stewardship of their acquisitions also seemed to become unimportant, merely a backdrop for opportunities to be tediously sanctimonious - and expensive.
Peter - I don't think it's the same one, apparently the SNP version is looking for a comfortable job with outfits such as the EU or UN.
Tammly - we only saw the volunteers, but one of those I know of has said that the staff have become uninterested in volunteers.
Last year our children bought us a National Trust membership. We were looking forward to going round some of their properties. Shortly afterwards it was reported that they had stated in a report to Parliament - as part of a wider umbrella group - that the countryside was a ‘racist and colonial’ white space.
A sickening betrayal both of our children's gesture and of their own responsibilities.
We had two friends who lived in a National Trust cottage as he was a Forester with them in the Lake District. The people who actually did the hard graft were lovely people who actually cared for the area and its future. The problems began in the offices where all the university "educated" staff were. They only seemed interested in the next rung in the ladder and plunging the dagger into their colleagues backs. I long ago gave up membership because of this.
Barbarus - yes it is a sickening betrayal. There should have been a tough Parliamentary response to that too, but of course there never would be.
Anon - interesting and not at all surprising. Some national charities seem to have gone that way too, where volunteers do all the work and the office staff do what office staff do. The National Trust seems to be well on the way to being little more than a political racket.
If the NT is partly funded by taxpayer's money, via the government, it is not a charity, but rather, an NGO with the aim of affecting government policy to their benefit. Give them nowt.
Penseivat - yes, it's one of so many privileged outfits which have outlived their original purpose and need drastic reform.
Agree with Tammly and Dearieme here ... highly politicised organisation now.
James - yes that's why we cancelled our membership. Don't regret it.
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