
Sunday, 19 January 2025

Deep Blob

I'm no legal bod so this is merely an outsider's observation, but since Keir Starmer appeared on the political scene, I've tended to view him via this 'equation' -

Human rights lawyer = Blob bureaucrat

In other words, our Prime Minister is Deep Blob.


DiscoveredJoys said...

He is a Deep Blob - when the world is gradually turning away from Global Human Rights Moral Superiority. I wonder if he has already realised he is trying to hold back the tide of history?

A K Haart said...

DJ - he doesn't seem to be great at grasping political realities, but the pressure of change won't be lost on most of his colleagues. Interesting times.

Sam Vega said...

Bureaucrats normally need telling what to do, and the rules they need to follow have to be pointed out to them. There's a strong element of that in him, but the concept of human rights requires something extra. The human rights fanatic needs to have a pre-existing belief that individuals are somehow downtrodden, and that the state and institutions are inherently oppressive. I think it makes more sense to see Starmer as an anti-authoritarian, on the side of Muslims and blacks and trans people, but prepared to crush opposition to his plans by authoritarian means.