
Monday 30 September 2024

A striking lack of focus

Tory leadership contest shows striking lack of focus on issues that cost party the election

This conference does not feel like a gathering of a party that just suffered an existential election defeat less than 100 days ago.

There's a similar perhaps delusionally bullish vibe among MPs and defeated candidates, who are lapping up the short term tempest faced by Sir Keir Starmer's government and display a belief the gap back to power may not be as big as they feared mere weeks ago.

It would be odd if that lost focus suddenly returned thanks to Starmer's antics. When one of the Tory hopefuls draws the leadership short straw, a bunch of safe seat survivors isn't the best basis to reinvigorate the party. 

Maybe they think Labour could turn out to be even worse than anyone now expects, which is certainly possible with people like Mad Ed Miliband around.  


Sam Vega said...

There is no chance of them returning to power soon, and even if Labour collapsed and they got a majority, one big problem remains. They simply lack the energy and talent as a parliamentary party to form a government. Under Boris and Sunak, they were appointing absolute nobodies.

Their lack of focus is probably due to that dawning realisation.

This might be a really positive moment. If our entire political class realise that their best talent can't shift the levers of power, they might have to settle for doing less.

On the other hand, the blob would still function, so a reforming zealot with a wrecking ball would be very welcome.

djc said...

Yes, whoever you vote for the Blob gets in. Who will never do less (damage not work), it is not in their nature. The wrecking ball will not be pleasant for anybody, but it seems that is the only choice, decline; slow or catastrophic.

A K Haart said...

Sam - yes they do lack the energy and talent to form a government. Labour has the same problem and so would the Lib Dems it they were in a similar position. As if the party system itself is falling apart, which it probably is.

djc - I agree, the Blob gets in wherever you put your cross on the ballot paper. The wrecking ball seems likely to be a very hard lesson administered by reality.