Strategic plans cause more dumb decisions than anything else in America - Charlie Munger
The answer to no. 3 might be that Boris is so prescient that he is able to impregnate her exactly nine months ahead of a crisis. Alternatively, the crises are now arriving faster than the opportunities for conjugal satisfaction, and it just looks that way.
Sam - or he's just lucky that way. Or maybe something really bad is coming our way in about a year.
3. By witholding the publicity about the party until it could be diverted by a expected diversionary event.
Woodsy - I'm sure plan B is intended to be diversionary too.
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The answer to no. 3 might be that Boris is so prescient that he is able to impregnate her exactly nine months ahead of a crisis.
Alternatively, the crises are now arriving faster than the opportunities for conjugal satisfaction, and it just looks that way.
Sam - or he's just lucky that way. Or maybe something really bad is coming our way in about a year.
3. By witholding the publicity about the party until it could be diverted by a expected diversionary event.
Woodsy - I'm sure plan B is intended to be diversionary too.
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