
Saturday 4 December 2021

Could be counterproductive though



Sam Vega said...

There have been a series of these events revealed on Guido, who obviously has a good Civil Service mole. I don't know which are the more alarming ones - the obviously anti-British anti-democratic ones, or the crystal healers and whimsy-merchants.

Scrobs. said...

Civil serpents go to these shows just to avoid doing any actual work.

One always assumes they're leftie, because they do this - no morals or scruples, just dense stupidity.

DiscoveredJoys said...


Or perhaps impervious stupidity? They have probably been to so many training courses on workplace harassment, safe working practices, Civil Service ethical practices, that one more course is just another outing.

decnine said...

I favour the Sir Humphrey explanation. Training is a good thing. This is training. Therefore this is a good thing.

A K Haart said...

Sam - I suspect they could be counterproductive but it would depend on the subject and the speaker. Bonkers but plausible climate talks given by a good speaker could be accepted by significant numbers.

Scrobs and DJ - they probably go because they have to - boxes must be ticked. In my day such courses were modestly relevant but easily forgotten afterwards. Now things seem to have changed in that a woke culture is being promoted and ignoring it could be risky.

decnine - and the training budget must be spent on something before the end of the year.