
Wednesday 1 December 2021

Very Stringent

Covid: Omicron may require 'very stringent response', say Sage scientists

The impact of the Omicron variant on the UK is "highly uncertain" but may require a "very stringent response", government advisers have said.

The BBC has seen leaked minutes of a meeting of the Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies held on Monday.

Not merely stringent. but very stringent. Presumably only one step away from very, very stringent. 

It may be my imagination but whenever we hear something from Sage, I seem to hear shrill squeaks of self-important delight.


dearieme said...

Health Fascism is a thing and SAGE is its name.

Still "Independent SAGE" seems to be even fascistier.

Sam Vega said...

It's like the climate, isn't it? Highly uncertain, so requiring very stringent measures.

This degree of consistency on the part of our government is reassuring.

James Higham said...


A K Haart said...

dearieme - I agree, although I'd like to be a fly on their wall.

Sam - it is reassuring. We know where we are with them.

James - and I'm sure very, very stringent would be preferred. But not for them.