
Friday 9 February 2024

Basic facts

Laura Trott accused of not knowing 'basic facts of her job' after questions over debt

A Treasury minister has been criticised for claiming debt as a percentage of GDP is falling - something that contradicts official forecasts.

A Treasury minister has been accused of not knowing "the basic facts of her job" after struggling to answer questions about the rise in national debt.

Labour said it was "terrifying" that Laura Trott is in charge of the country's finances after she was challenged for repeatedly claiming that debt is falling as a proportion of GDP.

This from a party which doesn't appear to know the basic facts of human reproduction within a House of Commons which doesn't appear to know the basic facts of electricity generation or anything else beyond the basic facts of fashionable discourse.

Of course to say this is merely to state the basic facts of political life. 

Good grief these people are dreadful.


Sam Vega said...

Political arguments no longer aim at uncovering the truth; they aim at associating one's opponents with low status ideas. This is actually a very small win for Labour, as issues of debt, deficit, and interest are not within most voters' purview. They would do better to show how Trott's policies contribute to global warming, do not glorify the NHS, and make men in dresses feel a little bit glum.

dearieme said...

"debt as a percentage of GDP": that's just bilge. GDP is an annual flow of money - or at least a rather lousy estimate of it. Debt is a heap of money: a pile of (negative) capital. It would be plain stupid to compare them.

Do they perhaps mean the annual accretion of debt? Isn't that usually called the "deficit"?

Anonymous said...

How can a forecast contradict a claim about the current state?

DiscoveredJoys said...

Politics: the undependable in pursuit of the incompetent.

Until after the General Election - when it is still true no matter who 'wins'.

A K Haart said...

Sam - ha ha, but yes that's it. They did work in the word "facts" in an attempt to link themselves with the fact checking fashion.

dearieme - I assume the annual accretion of debt is what was meant and her political opponents knew that, but in their world a headline is much better than a quiet request for clarification.

Anon - good point, it can't really. Except in politics I suppose.

DJ - and it's becoming more difficult to pay attention to what they say even before the General Election. So much froth and so little beer.