
Monday 26 February 2024

European Union’s brown deal

Belgian farmers spray police – and the EU – with manure

Brussels police officers were sprayed with manure by angry farmers who used their tractors to storm cordons in a protest over the European Union’s green deal.

Demonstrators hauled barbed-wire fences to the side of the road to create room for the agricultural vehicles to barge through the barricades.

Footage of one of the incidents showed a handful of police officers, wearing full riot gear, failing to stop the farmers as they approached a meeting of EU agricultural ministers nearby.

Baton-wielding police were doused in manure from one truck which blockaded a road in the city.

It's odd how the EU calls it a 'green deal'. People don't usually make deals with themselves. Having more than one party to a deal is what makes it a deal. Green diktat or green ukase might be more accurate.


Sam Vega said...

Important news from the EU, directly impacting us, and very relevant in the ongoing debate about the future of the EU. Strangely, though, our BBC has very little coverage. It's a one-minute video talk to the camera from the scene, tucked away on their Europe section. The editors tried their best, putting the journo in front of a mural saying "The Future is Europe". Sadly, though, it's partially obscured by clouds of drifting tyre-smoke.

Doonhamer said...

I do hope it was pig manure.
Apart from being apposite, it is most aromatic.

Scrobs. said...

This 'net zero' nonsense really does need to be chucked out.

The whole scam about 'climate changee and weather blah blah blah is syphoning the livelihoods from so many important activities such as farming, and while the Davos bunch sit there pontificating, the poor bloke supplying their pate de foie gras is facing bankruptcy!

Davos needs a damned good spraying - continuously...

A K Haart said...

Sam - when talking to regular BBC news viewers, there are always gaps in their knowledge of current affairs. BBC reporters must know they are causing these gaps - as in your case of editors putting the journo in front of a mural. It seems clear enough that they know what they are doing.

Doonhamer - pig manure would be good although cow manure does spread itself around quite nicely.

A K Haart said...

Scrobs - I agree and it isn't worth voting for any political party which supports it. But far too many people will.

Tammly said...

Is my prediction of 25 years that the EU would unravel, finally starting to happen?

A K Haart said...

Tammly - I think it is, although it may be slow unless another country leaves.