
Friday 2 February 2024


Inside the world's first nuclear reactor that could produce 'unlimited energy'

In Provence, France, scientists are working together on an enormous project called ITER to launch the world's largest science experiment. Laban Coblentz, the project's spokesperson, said they're creating a super-complex machine to test how feasible it would be to generate power using nuclear fusion on a large scale.

Speaking to Euronews said: "We are building arguably the most complex machine ever designed."...

Coblentz admitted that fusion might not arrive in time to help with climate change immediately, but he stressed the importance of getting it as fast as possible.

As we know, it's always 30 years away.

Epicurus sums it up -

For if everything which is limited is limited by something which is external to itself, then that external thing by which it is limited is itself either unlimited or limited. And if it is unlimited, then we immediately have [the conclusion] that the unlimited exists. And if it is limited, for example, the earth, then this too is limited by something else, and so on without limit. And if it goes on without limit, the unlimited exists. For one will never get one’s hands on the final limit, if indeed this too is limited by something else.


DiscoveredJoys said...

Back when I was a lad (60 years ago), fusion power was '50 years away'. It's been '50 years away' for some time, but if it is now only '30 years away' then I guess we are making progress. Although at this rate of progress it will be another 90 years before electricity is 'too cheap to meter'.

I always thought Epicurus made a good fist of his philosophy for the knowledge around at the time... However, back when I was a lad, it was explained to me that the Universe was not 'infinite' but rather 'finite and unbounded'. Like the surface of a globe (or the Earth) which has a definite surface area but you will never run into an edge.

Whenever I get drawn into debates about theology, psychology or philosophy I always bear the distinction between 'bound' and 'unbound' in mind, because otherwise many poor arguments get glossed over by handwaving appeals to the 'infinite' or 'endless'.

Just saying.

James Higham said...

I immediately looked for the word “fusion”.

A K Haart said...

DJ - 50 to 30 years could count as progress but I think 'too cheap to meter' may have scared the elites away from nuclear. Fusion look rather like a distraction, a way to point to a rosy but unlikely future while messing up the present.

James - good guess :)

Sam Vega said...

I'm looking forward to the first big company to go commercial on this fusion business: "Power unlimited, Ltd."

Tammly said...

There's no limit to human stupidity.

A K Haart said...

Sam - imagine the regulations which would be rushed out to strangle it.

Tammly - "the most complex machine ever designed" already sounds like failure.