
Tuesday 13 February 2024

Agenda Flags

UN reveals animal species under threat of extinction

Some 97% of fish are also at risk of being wiped out - with humans posing the biggest threat through hunting, fishing and other forms of exploitation.

It's interesting how headlines such as this have become flags for worthless content. In this case it's the phrase "UN reveals" - as if the UN is revealing some incontrovertible conclusions securely based on scientific integrity.

Yet anyone paying attention knows well enough that the phrase "UN reveals" is an agenda flag. The UN has a global agenda and publishes nothing outside that agenda. 

Certainly there are threats of extinction across the whole biosphere, with a complex array of causes, but the UN fosters its agenda before anything else. Scientific integrity comes nowhere, it too is under threat of extinction.


Bucko said...

"Some 97% of fish are also at risk of being wiped out - with humans posing the biggest threat through hunting, fishing and other forms of exploitation."

The words they use. Makes it easy to spot bollocks from a mile off

'At risk' is the ones the homeless charities use a lot. They inflate the homeless figures by including those who are 'at risk' of being homeless. It doesn't refer to people who live on the streets, but those in some kind of temporary accommodation, secure or not, but not homeless

'Exploitation' is another good left wing word. Here it just refers to people eating fish, but it's an emotive word that is applied to everything from McDonalds workers on the minimum wage, to any dark skinned person with a chip on their shoulder

Scrobs. said...

A much quicker and easier way to deal with their preposterous claims is to ignore everything they say - rather like we do with the BBC!

Doonhamer said...

Support for UN, WHO, RNLI, RSPCA, National Trust, and their ilk flags.

A K Haart said...

Bucko - yes it's the standard phrases which are the clues. As you say, homeless charities do use phrases such as 'At risk' to spread the net as widely as possible. Media like it too, as a mutually understood language which means very little but can be used for a vast number of mutually beneficial stories.

Scrobs - take no notice of the BBC is a sound policy. I only use it as a source of blog posts, but even that can be like panning for gold.

Doonhamer - almost all of them really, they may as well have a single website.

Sam Vega said...

"animal species under threat of extinction

Some 97% of fish are also at risk of being wiped out"

So two separate issues here: species extinction, and fish being wiped out. The first might be a big problem, if true. But if they are useless and live on the bottom of the sea, then no big deal. We'll get along without them, like the dinosaurs.

As for fish being wiped out, they all get wiped out. They are mortal. Luckily for all, they reproduce before it happens.

Tammly said...

There is one species at serious risk that they havn't mentioned, the common sense fish.

A K Haart said...

Sam - unfortunately the people who come up with this guff also reproduce and appear to be growing in numbers, generation by generation until...

Tammly - which is a bit like the Babel fish.