
Monday 19 February 2024

Hypertwaddle trends

What is Hopecore? TikTok's heartwarming trend explained

If you've been on TikTok, then you'll know all about the different aesthetics and '-core' trends that emerge on the app - and the latest one that has been taking over everyone's For You page is "Hopecore."

Previous trends such as the clean girl and mob wife aesthetics, are fixated on changing our outward appearance.

But hopecore focuses on our inner beauty and strength while also inspiring optimism through sharing motivational quotes, mood boards and scrapbooks.

Often on the viral compilation videos, there will be positive messages such as "Life is beautiful," "Family is everything," and "Life is about moments."


DiscoveredJoys said...

Coming next month MegaSuperHyperwaddle trends.

Sam Vega said...

Often on the viral compilation videos, there will be positive messages such as "Life is beautiful," "Family is everything," and "Life is about moments."

"Viral" as in "I've got a splitting headache and feel as though I'm going to throw up, but if I take it easy and have plenty of paracetamol I should be OK".

dearieme said...

Springish! Last week we saw a convertible with half its roof down. Today we saw oodles of daffs, armies of Winter Cherries in blossom, and crocuses.

I thought I saw a blackthorn in blossom but maybe it was a Winter Cherry that had been heavily pruned.

A K Haart said...

DJ - followed by a running out of superlatives SuperCrisis.

Sam - I thought it was a misprint for "vile" but I think you are right, it's an unpleasant viral infection.

dearieme - we've seen blackthorn in blossom along the A38. We think they are blackthorn although we've never stopped on the A38 to find out.