
Saturday 17 June 2023


Jeremy Corbyn's wife Laura Alvarez in group aiming to unseat Sir Keir Starmer at next election

Laura Alvarez is part of the Organise Corbyn Inspired Socialist Alliance group on Facebook, which has discussed standing MPs against the Labour Party following the ban on her husband standing for the opposition.

Screenshots leaked to Sky News show an account belonging to Laura Alvarez is a member of the Organise Corbyn Inspired Socialist Alliance (OCISA) Facebook group.

Good - at least we have a glimmer of entertainment seeping into the grey political smog we seem destined to endure forever. Come on Organise Corbyn Inspired Socialist Alliance - make a show of it.


Sam Vega said...

Is it a joke? Who would call a group "Organise Corbyn Inspired Socialist Alliance"?

DiscoveredJoys said...

Now all we need is an Organise Boris Inspired Conservative Alliance... Either Organisation would be unlikely to have a significant effect on the outcome of the next General Election, but the comedy value might liven up the staid electoral process.

Macheath said...

I’m struggling with the syntax of their name; do they mean that they are an inspired socialist alliance and intend to organise Corbyn (he could probably do with it) or that they are inspired by Corbyn, in which case what is the ‘organise’ bit about?

You’d think that, starting from scratch, they could have come up with a snappier acronym; I wondered whether ocisa means something in Spanish, but the nearest I can get is ociosa, the feminine adjective meaning idle, which is a bit rough on poor Ms Alvarez. As an alternative, how about the Corbyn Inspired Revolutionary Collective of United Socialists? A bit of a mouthful, but captures the spirit of modern politics, I think.

A K Haart said...

Sam - it sounds like a joke to me, but I'm willing to believe otherwise.

DJ - good idea, we could have Organise Nicola Inspired Motorhome Alliance too. Lots of possibilities.

Macheath - it's such a poor acronym that it comes across as a joke, yet surely a joke name ought to have an amusing acronym such as your fine suggestion - Corbyn Inspired Revolutionary Collective of United Socialists. It's rather odd.

Scrobs. said...

How about The Corbean People's Popular Front, or maybe the People's Popular Front Of Corbea?


A K Haart said...

Scrobs - you have to get it right, The Corbean People's Popular Front and The People's Popular Front Of Corbea are probably bitter enemies.