
Saturday 10 June 2023

Officially Infantile

Short but interesting points about the new Canadian passport. Its design seems to be another result of something many people have noticed over many years - official efforts to promote the infantile. 

The question is why?   


DiscoveredJoys said...

Broadly speaking the Left don't like history - which is why they spend so much effort de-fanging it.

After all history might show that utopian ideals do not survive in the real world yet utopia is the Left wing ideal. Never mind the deaths and piles of corpses, this time it will be different.

Sam Vega said...

My guess is that the developed nations want to erase all trace of history and nationhood and a specific culture, in favour of something which is universal and bland and can be understood as "nice" by a migrant population.

A K Haart said...

DJ - yet the failure of utopian ideals would be a good theme for teaching history. I recently read about a survey which found that many young people don't know who Mao or Stalin were even if they have some knowledge of Hitler.

Sam - I think you are right, it's the promotion of a global ideology where no nation ever achieved anything more than any other nation.