
Sunday 23 April 2023

But not for being malevolent

Diane Abbott suspended as Labour MP after racism letter

Diane Abbott has been suspended as a Labour MP pending an investigation into a letter she wrote about racism to the Observer, the party has said.

The politician said "many types of white people with points of difference" can experience prejudice, in a letter published on Sunday.

But they are not subject to racism "all their lives", she said.

She later tweeted to say she was withdrawing her remarks and apologised "for any anguish caused".

A faint flicker of good news, but Ms Abbott's general behaviour should have attracted this red card long ago. Unfortunately there is little evidence that the Labour party disapproves of her far from unique brand of dim-witted malevolence. 


Sam Vega said...

We're always told, aren't we, that women and black people need role models in positions of power; it shows them that they too can achieve.

Can you imagine being a talented black woman and reflecting on the fact that the abbopotamus was the first black woman MP?

The Jannie said...

Thick in more ways than one . . .

A K Haart said...

Sam - I suppose a talented black woman is bound to think "I can do better than that." Come to think of it, even a modestly talented black woman could take that view too. They must be queuing up at Labour HQ.

Jannie - yes, at least three dimensions we'd rather not dwell on.

Scrobs. said...

With normal people, writing a first draft is saying what you actually want to say 'from the heart', then subsequent drafts water down any serious unease to form an acceptable comment.

Clearly, she's had to back-peddle, but the damage has already been done, there's no excuse, and there's where she is a pretty poor example of someone expected to use common sense and diplomacy.

DiscoveredJoys said...

Rephrase her letter as "Only Blacks Suffer True Racism" and you see that she is demented and sabotaging the Labour 'policy' of finding new victim groups to support.

Anonymous said...

And what makes Diane Abbott such an expert on racial prejudice experienced by Jews and other non black, ethnic groups?

No I think this is a BLM style political ploy on her part. She knows very well what she's saying and much more importantly, who she's speaking to.

A K Haart said...

Scrobs - it's as if she doesn't go beyond the first draft because she thinks that will do. For a few people it will do, but she isn't one of them.

DJ - yes and that rephrasing must occur to a very large number of people, even among Labour supporters. Finding new victim groups is becoming problematic now the gender games are running into difficulties.

Anon - she probably does know who she is speaking to, but she's careless in what she says and doesn't seem to see the impact her words may have on those she is not speaking to, such as Keir Starmer. It ought to be one of the skills of the job, but with her it doesn't seem to be.