
Sunday 23 April 2023

Armageddon Alert



Woodsy42 said...

Funny, I heard nothing. I must have accidently mis-set a setting on the phone. Silly me!

Sam Vega said...

Yes, I agree with all of that. The government are interfering in private contractual arrangements, and there is absolutely no reason for it. One might think that there is a reason for it that we don't know about, that the government are keeping secret. But I don't think that is the case. They just stumble into these decisions because they have no plan, and it gives meddlers something to do.

Sackerson said...

A K Haart said...

Woodsy - I just left mine switched off, but Mrs H had her settings set to ignore the alert and that worked too.

Sam - yes it gives meddlers something to do. It also provides a foot in the door for more meddling in the future which is bound to happen unless the whole thing was a technical failure for some reason.

A K Haart said...

Sackers - ha ha, very good. I hope you invented it though - hard to tell these days. I'll acquire the cling film just in case.

dearieme said...

My wife's phone was upstairs and she was out in the garden so we have no idea whether her alarm sounded. But she heard a suggestion on the radio that something called "3" didn't get the alarm. Wozzat?

My dumbphone let fly a nasty squawk at 14:55 Macintosh time: was that HMG's doing and if so, why was it off by five minutes?

A K Haart said...

dearieme - Mrs H had her alert settings switched off and that seemed to work. I had my phone switched off which also worked. I didn't think to try my dumbphone which should still work but I haven't switched it on for several years. I'm hoping the whole thing wasn't a great success.