
Tuesday 12 December 2023

An outcome the world needs

COP28: UN climate talks in jeopardy in fossil fuel backlash

The UN climate talks in Dubai could be in jeopardy after some nations reacted furiously to a draft deal on fossil fuels they call "weak".

The draft removed language included in a previous text suggesting that fossil fuels could be "phased out".

All 198 countries at the summit must agree or there is no deal.

"We can't accept the text," said minister Eamon Ryan, a negotiator for the EU and Ireland's environment minister. But he added that the collapse of the talks is "not the outcome the world needs".

The collapse of the talks is an outcome the world needs - obviously. 

COP28 is about doing deals, having a good time, making new contacts and waffling to the media. The media mostly know it's waffle, but publishable waffle. Yet there are a few hints that the world may be tiring of climate waffle. If so, it's about time.

Nobody seriously expects anything else to come out of COP28, the world isn't that daft. Apart from the useful idiots of course, but they should know better by now.


Sam Vega said...

I wonder about the outcome, and how much kayfabe it contains. I imagine them deciding in advance who is going to express fury, and then retreating behind the scenes for high-fives, handshakes, and champagne all round.

"We've done it again! We've kept the public anxiety levels nice and high, without compromising our security or lifestyle! See you all next year! Thanks, I'll have a couple of those quail's eggs and another glass of the bubbly, if I may..."

Tammly said...

Oh my! It's so snowy in Russia and central Europe too.

A K Haart said...

Sam - I'm sure that's how it's done. They aren't going to leave it to the unpredictability of genuine negotiation and there has to be a cliff-hanger at the end to justify the next episode.

Tammly - but the BBC isn't too keen on reporting that.

Scrobs. said...

Just think of all those chemtrails as the wealthy, useful idiots depart in their private jets!

Who needs comedy when you have clowns like Gore, Kerry and a few of our hopeless halfwits to see, and wonder what sort of farce demands so much of our money!

A K Haart said...

Scrobs - yes it is a kind of comedy. Some don't see it, but they become extras in the comedy.