
Tuesday 4 July 2023

The library is the clue

The highest office! White House guessing game begins after cocaine found in library forced Hazmat evacuation - two days after recovering drug fiend Hunter Biden was on the property

If it was found in the library then that obviously rules out Joe and Hunter. I imagine they will eventually find it belonged to Trump because he reads stuff and that's suspicious.


Sam Vega said...

What about looking for an elderly forgetful chap who can't remember where he leaves things?

Scrobs. said...

Rumour has it that Hunter liked the vivit to Ireland with his dad as he always enjoys the 'craic' (sp)...

A K Haart said...

Sam - good point, his tracker chip should also tell them exactly where he's been.

Scrobs - and neither really knew where they were, they just thought it was a posh Irish pub crawl.