
Monday 17 July 2023

Football Hooligans


Sam Vega said...

I always thought "Not the Nine..." was a good series. It had, like The Goon Show, Monty Python, That Was the Week... and The Fast Show, the sense of bright young people having fun together and trying out ideas they had been mulling over since University. Of course, it all gets formulaic after a while, which is when the rot sets in.

DiscoveredJoys said...

It's strange how ideas become embedded in the publics' mind for a while and then they evaporate.

At one time it was the violence of 'teddy boys'.
Or, indeed, 'football hooligans'.
Or the Balance of Trade.
Or Interest Rates.
Or Nationalisation.
Or the value of the Pound against other currencies.
Or the number of strikes.

And so on. I expect others could nominate other things that were so important at one time... and have since vanished from public concern. Could Covid and Climate Change exceed their best before date too?

All things must pass.

dearieme said...

Given what the transgender clinics get up to that's a prescient sketch.

A K Haart said...

Sam - it was a good series, but as you say it all gets formulaic after a while. Those bright young people need lasting careers but early success seems to typecast them and limit their future options.

DJ - it is strange. As if they never were particularly important but we have a tendency to pay attention to the same things then forget them as something else comes along. It's manipulated of course, but not particularly well because we always get too much hype and then tedium sets in.

dearieme - it certainly is.